Regexp Substitute File
Replace all occurrences of a regular expression within a file.
(define (regexp-substitute/file file re . items)
(let ((file-contents
(call-with-input-file file
(lambda (in)
(read-string (file-size file) in)))))
(call-with-output-file file
(lambda (out)
(apply regexp-substitute/global out re file-contents items)))))
A variant: perform a couple of simple string substitutions on a file (and don't worry about undefined behaviour or robustness in general, roll on, drunk, dazed, and confused, in a skimpy leather mini, your black beard untrimmed, remainders of soup and the few copper coins splashed over the boulevard). Tried in scsh 0.6.7.
;; substis : proper list of (from . to) pairs of strings
(define (apply-substitutions-to-file substis fname)
(let ((content/substis
(with-input-from-file fname
(lambda ()
(fold (lambda (substi content)
(regexp-substitute/global #f (rx ,(car substi))
'pre (cdr substi) 'post))
(read-delimited "")
(with-output-to-file fname ; truncate
(lambda ()
(display content/substis)))))
(define (apply-substitutions-to-files substis fnames)
(for-each (lambda (fname)
(apply-substitutions-to-file substis fname))
(apply-substitutions-to-file '(("é" . "\" eacute \"")
(">" . "\" > \""))
(apply-substitutions-to-files '(("é" . "\" eacute \"")
("É" . "\" Eacute \"")
("è" . "\" egrave \"")
("à" . "\" agrave \"")
("À" . "\" Agrave \"")
("ò" . "\" ograve \"")
("ù" . "\" ugrave \"")
("í" . "\" iacute \"")
("ß" . "\" szlig \"")
("ü" . "\" uuml \"")
("ö" . "\" ouml \"")
("ä" . "\" auml \"")
("â" . "\" acirc \"")
("ê" . "\" ecirc \"")
("«" . "\" laquo \"")
("»" . "\" raquo \"")
("“" . "\" ldquo \"")
("”" . "\" rdquo \"")
("‘" . "\" lsquo \"")
("’" . "\" rsquo \"")
("„" . "\" bdquo \"")
("—" . "\" mdash \"")
("–" . "\" 8211 \"")
("—" . "\" 8212 \"")
("“" . "\" 8220 \"")
("”" . "\" 8221 \"")
(">" . "\" > \""))
(glob "../pages/*.scm"))
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