Filter Input Extracting Quoted Urls
I used this to extract referrer urls from the http server log, piping the output through deduplication, i.e. FilterInputDeletingDuplicateLines, into sort. (Or deduplicate with uniq after sorting.)
The appended variant extract-referrals emits both the referred url and its referrer.
#!/usr/local/bin/scsh \
-e main -s
USAGE: extract-qurls.scm < INPUT > OUTPUT
Copy quoted urls from std INPUT to std OUTPUT,
sans quotes, line by line.
This INPUT line - - [18/Nov/2007:01:36:44 +0100] "GET /pix/broad.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 11371 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/"
would contribute the url
to the OUTPUT.
;; Extract (heuristically) quoted urls from (http log on) stdin
;; copy them (sans quotes) to stdout, line by line
(define (extract-urls)
(awk (read-line) (record) ()
((: "\""
(submatch (: (+ alphabetic) "://" (* any)))
"\" ")
=> (lambda (match)
(display (match:substring match 1))
(define (main args)
(if (= (length args) 1)
(format #t "Usage: ~a < INPUT > OUTPUT~%" (first args))))
A variant
;; Extract the referred local url and its quoted referrer.
;; Copy them to stdout (sans quotes, separated by a tab),
;; line by line
(define (extract-referrals)
(awk (read-line) (record) ()
((: "GET "
(submatch (: (+ (~ whitespace))))
(* any)
(submatch (: (+ alphabetic) "://" (* any)))
"\" ")
=> (lambda (match)
(format #t "~a\t~a~%"
(match:substring match 1)
(match:substring match 2))
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