Execute With Timeout
;;; (thanks to Martin Gasbichler)
;;; This procedure executes a subprocedure in a separate thread in a
;;; given time period. If the subprocedure hasn't completed
;;; by the time the number of seconds given as the second argument
;;; have elapsed it returns 'timeout. For example
;;; (execute/timeout
;;; (lambda () (run/strings (rsh phz-4 uptime)))
;;; 5)
(define (execute/timeout proc sec)
(let ((lock (make-lock))
(done? #f)
(result (make-placeholder)))
(define (maybe-set-result! val)
(obtain-lock lock)
(cond ((not done?)
(set! done? #t)
(placeholder-set! result val)))
(release-lock lock))
(spawn (lambda ()
(sleep (* sec 1000))
(maybe-set-result! 'timeout)))
(spawn (lambda ()
(maybe-set-result! (proc))))
(placeholder-value result)))
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