scheme shell

From: Olin Shivers <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.scheme.scsh
Subject: Rewriting Dominicus' script
Date: 02 Aug 1999 19:12:14 -0400
Organization: Artificial Intelligence Lab, MIT
Message-ID: <>

Friedrich Dominicus had the following awk script, which he wanted to rewrite 
as a scsh script:
    df | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0;free=0}\
	      {if (NR > 1) {sum = sum+$3; free=free+$4}}\
	      END{print "Es sind", (sum/1024), "MB belegt.";
	      print "Und noch", (free/1024), "MB frei"}'	

It runs df, and adds up the free and used disk space. He wrote it in scsh
as follows:

#!/usr/bin/scsh \
-e main -s

(define	(df-free)
  (let ((df-out (run/port (df)))
        (read-df-out (field-reader (infix-splitter))))
    (awk (read-df-out df-out) (record fields)
		 ((sum-free 0) (sum-occ 0))
  		 ((> line-number 1)
          (values (+ sum-free
                     (string->number (nth fields 3)))
                  (+ sum-occ
                     (string->number (nth fields 2)))))
		 (after (values (/ sum-free 1024.0)
			        (/ sum-occ 1024.0))))))
(define (main argv)
 (receive (sum-free sum-occ) (df-free)
		(format #t "Es sind noch ~a MB frei und ~a MB belegt~%"
				sum-free sum-occ)))

This is basically right. We can improve it in some small ways:
- The AWK macro isn't indented perfectly;
- we can punt the LINE-NUMBER var and the (> LINE-NUMBER 1) test by simply
  reading in a line before executing the AWK form;
- I changed the variable names a bit & added a line or two of documentation.
- I made df-free clean up after itself by closing the pipe that connects
  it to the df process. Not super important here, since this process will
  exit immediately afterwards (and gc will always clean up after us, anyway),
  but if we are going to encapsulate the code in a procedure, make the 
  procedure useful in as broad a context as possible.
- I added a single-sentence comment at the beginning, since I hate shell
  scripts that make you puzzle out what they do. One sentence saves you 
  a lot of time.
This gives us the following script. I wrote the core procedure two different
ways -- once with awk, and once with an explicit loop (since we aren't really
using many of the features of awk much). It's about equally good either way,
I think. (And see REDUCE-PORT for a third way to do it.)

#!/usr/local/bin/scsh \
-e main -s

;;; Add up the number of kb of free and used disk space for all the volumes
;;; reported by df(1).

(define	(df-used+free)
  (let ((df-out (run/port (df)))
        (df-read (field-reader)))
    (read-line df-out) ; Skip the first line from df.
    (let lp ((free-kb 0) (used-kb 0))
      (receive (line fields) (df-read df-out)
	(cond ((eof? line)
	       (close df-read)
	       (values (/ free-kb 1024.0) (/ used-kb 1024.0)))
	      (else (loop (+ free-kb (string->number (nth fields 2)))
			  (+ used-kb (string->number (nth fields 3))))))))))

;;; Same procedure, written with the AWK macro
(define	(df-used+free)
  (let ((df-out (run/port (df)))
        (df-read (field-reader)))
    (read-line df-out) ; Skip the first line from df.
    (awk (df-read df-out) (line fields) ((free-kb 0) (used-kb 0))
	 (else (values (+ free-kb (string->number (nth fields 2)))
		       (+ used-kb (string->number (nth fields 3)))))
	 (after (close df-read)
		(values (/ free-kb 1024.0) (/ used-kb 1024.0))))))
(define (main argv)
 (receive (free used) (df-used+free)
   (format #t "Es sind noch ~a MB frei und ~a MB belegt~%"
	   free used)))


Note that Friedrich wrote his *script* as a *program* with a MAIN entry
point. There's no big payoff for doing things this way for this script, since
the core routine DF-USED+FREE doesn't really capture any terrifically useful
functionality we'd want to use from other code. So we could just rewrite it is
as a plain script. This saves a few lines of code, since we can punt the
DEFINE's and use forms that work on the current input & output ports, etc. I
also moved the definition of the record reader to a separate define for no
particular reason, though it looks slightly easier to read to my eye.

Here's my rewritten script. It forks off the df and pipes the result into
the current process as stdin. I punted the port-close operation in the AFTER
clause, since the code is now explicitly committed to being a script that 
exits immediately thereafter.

I also, just for fun, changed the output report to be a legitimate 
s-expression alist -- that is, it no longer prints out
    Es sind noch 472 MB frei und 314 MB belegt
but rather prints
    ((frei-mb 472) (belegt-mb 314))
If you get in the habit of printing out reports as s-expressions, it's easier
to get programs you write later to consume the data. Or get emacs to indent
them. Etc. When you use s-expressions for I/O formats, you can parse them much
more reliably using READ than you can using all-too-frequently-heuristic
parsers based on regexps.
#!/usr/local/bin/scsh -s
;;; Add up the number of kb of free and used disk space for all the volumes
;;; reported by df(1).

(define df-read (field-reader))
(exec-epf (| (df)
	     (begin (read-line)		; Skip the first line from df.
		    (awk (df-read) (line fields) ((free-kb 0) (used-kb 0))
			 (else (values (+ free-kb (string->number (nth fields 2)))
				       (+ used-kb (string->number (nth fields 3)))))
			 (after (format #t "((frei-mb ~a) (belegt-mb ~a))\n"
					(/ free-kb 1024.0)
					(/ used-kb 1024.0)))))))

By the way, advanced scsh hackers will note that we could have done the 
fork-off-a-df-and-feed-us-the-input-on-stdin hack procedurally, without 
using the process forms, as follows:

(fork/pipe (lambda () (exec "df")))
(read-line)		; Skip the first line from df.
(awk (df-read) (line fields) ((free-kb 0) (used-kb 0))
     (else (values (+ free-kb (string->number (nth fields 2)))
		   (+ used-kb (string->number (nth fields 3)))))
     (after (format #t "((frei-mb ~a) (belegt-mb ~a))\n"
		    (/ free-kb 1024.0)
		    (/ used-kb 1024.0)))))

But it doesn't really matter much. We aren't pushing the notation hard
either way, so they are both fairly clear.

In any event, perhaps this will go to show that perl is not the only
language where "there's more than one way to do it.".
