scheme shell

Clone Dir Skeleton

Code with similar effect but different implementation is used to MoveDirFiles (dir-streams here vs. "find . type -d" there). And it isn't too useful either way. In other words: enjoy.

 #!/usr/local/bin/scsh \
 -lel dir-streams/load.scm -o dir-streams -e main -s

Works with scsh 0.6.7 and sunterlib dir-streams 1.0.

USAGE: clonedirskelt FROM-DIR TO-DIR Clone the directory skeleton (the bare subdir tree without leaves) of source directory FROM-DIR as target directory TO-DIR. I.e. afterwards the names of the source and clone root may differ, but the names of the (strict) subdirs relative to FROM-DIR resp. TO-DIR will coincide. Forget symlinks (due to lack of ambition).

The TO-DIR must not contain (hard-linked) cycles.

The TO-DIR may preexist and live on --directories will not be creatively destroyed. Ich verstehe mich.

Examples clonedirskelt /foo/bar /ph/oo/bar clonedirskelt /foo/bar /foo/baz clonedirskelt /foo/bar ../baz

Don't expect checks, error messages, quality.

It would be nice to translate inward-pointing and to copy outward- pointing symlinks, but I do not need and did not do this. !#

;; simplify and remove trailing "/." (forgetting about symlinks) (define (simplerify-file-name fn) (let ((sn (simplify-file-name fn))) (cond ((string-suffix? "/." sn) (string-drop-right sn 2)) ((string= sn ".") "") (else sn))))

;; SRC-ROOT, %CLONE-ROOT : String --directory paths (define (clone-dir-skeleton src-root %clone-root) (define clone-root (file-name-as-directory (resolve-file-name %clone-root (cwd)))) (with-cwd src-root (dir-stream-for-each (dir-stream-from-dir-name "." #f) (lambda (fso-file) #f) (lambda (fso-dir) (let ((path-clone-dir (simplerify-file-name (string-append clone-root (fs-object-file-name fso-dir))))) (format #t "~a~%" path-clone-dir) (if (file-not-exists? path-clone-dir) (create-directory path-clone-dir)))))))

;; no usage check tonite (define (main args) (clone-dir-skeleton (second args) (third args)))

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